Elated: a general-purpose web-based client for the Fedora Repository System
[go to SourceForge Site]
ELATED was developed at the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) Technology Center
(http://www.colleges.org/techcenter/) as part of the 2004 Summer Software Engineering
Original Programming team
- Blake Anderson, Rhodes College
- Shane Baumgartner, Southwestern University
- Joe Bertles, Trinity University
- Kelson Gist, Southwestern University
- Mary Greene, Centenary College
- H. Mitch Perry, Sewanee: The University of the South
- Binaya Poudyal, Austin College
- Rajat B. Shrestha, Austin College
- Noelle Wanzer, Austin College
- Jennifer Wilson, Trinity University
- Eric Jansson, ACS Technology Center
Faculty project directors
- Michael Higgs, Austin College
- Paula Gabbert, Furman University
- Don Schwartz, Millsaps College
Programmers since original release
Many members of the Fedora community have also offered help and code fixes, etc.